Along with teaming-up with Wooter Apparel, PROJECT PROTECT has launched a Go Fund Me page for those interested in contributing to the mission of supporting healthcare workers to ensure they have access to N95 respirator masks.
In effort to lend on-going support during the COVID-19 pandemic, Wooter Apparel is proud to partner with PROJECT PROTECT to help raise funds to provide masks and protective gear to New York City hospitals who are running out of supplies for treating COVID-19 patients.
PROJECT PROTECT has launched a Go Fund Me page for those interested in contributing to the mission of supporting healthcare workers to ensure they have access to N95 respirator masks. Proper protection via these masks not only helps to protect healthcare workers from COVID-19, but also aids in preventing the possible overall exposure of the virus to others.
100% of proceeds raised by PROJECT PROTECT will be used to purchase N95 respirator masks and other critical supplies that hospitals need.
Nurses around the state of New York are re-using the same N95 respirator masks for days and weeks in a row — as this is currently the best method for protecting themselves from COVID-19, but unfortunately is not the safest method. Respirators can function within their design specifications for 8 hours of continuous or intermittent use and are no longer effective in their ability to protect against airborne virus particles after being re-used several times. With a very limited quantity of N95 masks for nurses and healthcare workers, they are being forced to wear surgical masks instead which do not filter out airborne virus particles.
Thankfully, Wooter Apparel (who is committed to protecting healthcare workers) has access to a supply chain of NIOSH Certified N95 masks that are sourced from CDC approved manufacturers and is eager to work closely with PROJECT PROTECT. Orders are being filled on a “first come, first serve basis” and while other fundraisers and organizations are working hard to fill their demand, there are no guarantees on the amount of masks the organization will be able to purchase weekly. PROJECT PROTECT is working on coordinating with more CDC approved manufacturers to increase the ability to get more masks and other critical supplies in the hands of New York healthcare providers.
Both the Nurses Union at Staten Island University Hospital North and the New York Presbyterian Columbia are currently helping distribute supplies to protect the nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers on the frontline, but more support is desperately needed.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone globally in a number of ways, supporting the efforts of PROJECT PROTECT is your chance to lend a hand in keeping others safe and protecting our healthcare workers. To learn more about the remarkable work being done at this time by PROJECT PROTECT, make sure to connect with the organization on Instagram, Facebook, and by contributing to the Go Fund Me page.